
Riddikulus will be a place to express my views on anything and everything under the sun, from politics to philosophy with a lot of sports in between. 

But why?

Every blog should have a purpose, a clearly or loosely defined theme - the first recommendation in every 'Getting Started' guide. The perfectionist in me demanded that I go through a number of these guides which claim to unlock the steps behind creating a successful blog. Inspite of this lengthy perusal, I've chosen to blog on a wide range of topics. The reason behind ignoring this basic recommendation is that most of these guides operate on a false premise. They believe that the only measure of a successful blog is the number of followers it generates. Although increasing readership is definitely nice, it is not the driving force behind my motivation for blogging. 

What's in a name?

Ah, the name. The biggest obstacle to actually starting a blog (for me, anyway!). My struggles with choosing apt titles for my posts are well documented. Imagine how difficult and utterly frustrating it must have been to come up with the name of a full fledged blog!

There are three main reasons/justifications for the chosen name.
  1. I henceforth give you guys (my readers) the opportunity to openly mock my views using a variety of puns based on how ridiculous these views actually are. And I subsequently look forward to the opportunity of retaliating by showing you how absurd your statements actually are.
    Basically, I welcome unrestrained discussion and debate (and appreciation and criticism). Because hey, what could be more fun?
    That justification was totally ridiculous, right?
  2. I pay homage to my childhood which was fortunately claimed by the wonderful wizarding world created by one Joanne Kathleen Rowling, by acknowledging my second favorite character, Remus John Lupin (let's face it, Snape is everyone's favorite, so where's the novelty?) through one of his earliest contributions to the world of Harry Potter.
  3. I acknowledge one of the most poignant lessons I was taught in Hogwarts and have applied in real life. The importance of humor - laughter is all that is needed to defeat a potentially terrifying foe i.e. a boggart. Finding something to smile about in the bleakest of situations is the most underrated joy there is.
    Take for instance my frustrating inability to pick a suitable name for my long awaited (by me!) blog. I laugh in the face of my ineptitude. I laugh in its face. I laugh. *sob*
The blog description is a subtle (and hopefully, suave) reference to The Restaurant at the End of the Universe, which forms a very cool part of Douglas Adams' Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series.

Who's writing this shit?

A somewhat proud Indian and a very proud Manchester United fan in love with languages in general and the English language in particular.

I'm supposed to be a Mechanical Engineering student, although the validity of this position is in doubt.

I'm also a not-so-regular contributor to the excellent sports website, Sportskeeda. My profile can be found here.