Wednesday 11 December 2013

Zonal Marking: It's not as evil as you think it is

Zonal marking at corners – defending pre-assigned zones, rather than sticking to a specific opponent – is generally ridiculed in British circles. Pundits and commentators claiming to be experts of the game latch on to zonal marking errors and are quick to blame the entire idea and system. By doing so, they flaunt their ignorance to the world; and in turn, instill a similar ignorance in the large proportion of football viewership which is exposed only to English football.

Goals from corners can, more often than not, be put down to individual mistakes. Both zonal and man marking demand very high – and sometimes, unrealistic – levels of concentration from defenders and keepers alike. Blaming the system and the tactics of the manager is a rather bull headed approach, employed by those who only choose to see what is in front of their eyes when a little analysis will often point the finger at the real issue.